Why was my ID refused?
The security of transactions between buyers and dellers is our priority. In accordance with the “Know Your Customer” KYC regulations, identity verification is mandatory to receive money when selling a ticket. To have your profile verified, you must first submit a photo of your ID ( and ) and submit it in the 'My Profile' 'Verify my Identity' tab. Then, the information will be quickly (15 minutes) validated or rePopularHow can I delete my account?
It is possible to delete your account by going to "My Profile", in the "My information" tab. There is a “Delete my account” button. Please note, this action is irreversible and you will no longer be able to create an account on PasseTonBillet afterwards.Few readersHow to upload a copy of my ID on PasseTonBillet and why?
The security of transactions between buyers and sellers is our priority. In accordance with the “Know Your Customer” KYC regulations, identity verification is mandatory to receive money when selling a ticket. To have your profile verified, you must first submit a photo of your ID ( and ) and submit it in the 'My Profile' 'Verify my Identity' tab. Then, the information will be quicklyFew readersI can't connect to PasseTonBillet, what should I do?
If your PasseTonBillet account is linked to a Gmail address, the easiest way to log in is by using Google authentication. This method streamlines the process: simply confirm your account, and you’ll gain access to your PasseTonBillet profile. Request a new password, it will be sent to you by email. color ed0c0c (Attention: for security reasons, PasseTonBilletFew readersI didn't receive the activation email sent by PasseTonBillet
For security reasons, PasseTonBillet does not support older email providers such as Orange, Laposte, Freebox, SFR, Wanadoo, and others. We recommend using a more current email address to create your account on PasseTonBillet.Few readersHow do I add my banking information (IBAN)?
You can add your bank account from your profile by clicking the “Add my IBAN” button. Important: If your bank is not located in one of the countries listed above, you will not be able to sell tickets on PasseTonBillet. To verify that your IBAN is correct, please use the IBAN CHECKER website. Note: If your bank account is no longer active, the payment will fail, and the money will be automatically returned to us within 10 business days. In this case, yoFew readersWhat is an unofficial exchange market ?
The term “unofficial exchange market” means that the event organizer, the sole holder of the ticket rights, has not authorized this initiative. This can lead to risks related to the authenticity of the exchanged tickets, despite the anti-fraud measures implemented by PasseTonBillet. An unofficial exchange market is different from an official exchange market, which is directly established with the approval and under the control of the event organizer. PasseTonBillet’s mission is to combat specuFew readersHow Passesecure Works
With PasseSecure, PasseTonBillet enhances the security of every transaction to ensure that buying and selling tickets happens with complete confidence. PasseSecure is a protection system implemented by PasseTonBillet to guarantee the authenticity and validity of resold tickets. When you purchase a ticket via PasseSecure, the original barcode is deactivated, and you receive a new, unique, and secure ticket. PasseSecure is activated for events where PasseTonBillet has an official partnership witFew readers