What are the fees to buy and sell tickets on PasseTonBillet?
To support the development and operation of a service like PasseTonBillet, we apply fees to the purchase and resale of tickets.
These fees are essential for the proper functioning of PasseTonBillet and help cover costs such as hosting, operations, development, and maintenance of the platform. They also fund critical services, including bank transfers, IBAN verification, KYC profile checks, and customer support.
Please note that the fees vary depending on the ticket category (e.g., train, amusement park, sports events, etc.) and apply to both the buyer and the seller. However, listing a ticket for sale is completely free, fees are only charged when a transaction is completed.
See our General Conditions of Use for more details.
These fees are essential for the proper functioning of PasseTonBillet and help cover costs such as hosting, operations, development, and maintenance of the platform. They also fund critical services, including bank transfers, IBAN verification, KYC profile checks, and customer support.
Please note that the fees vary depending on the ticket category (e.g., train, amusement park, sports events, etc.) and apply to both the buyer and the seller. However, listing a ticket for sale is completely free, fees are only charged when a transaction is completed.
See our General Conditions of Use for more details.
Updated on: 21/11/2024
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