Articles on: Claims
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How can I open a claim against a seller?

If you encounter a problem with a ticket purchased on PasseTonBillet, in particular if your ticket was refused entry, the buyer has the option of declaring a dispute.

Deadline for creating a dispute:

You must absolutely respect the deadlines indicated below:

Ticket categoryDeadline for creation of a dispute by the buyer
TrainsUp to 24 hours after train departure
Concerts / FestivalsUp to 48 hours after the event date
SportsUntil 24 hours after the event date
Amusement parksUp to 15 days after the ticket transaction date
FlightsUp to 8 days after the ticket transaction date
VouchersUp to 5 days after the ticket transaction date

During the examination of the dispute, PasseTonBillet blocks the transaction while the analysis takes place.
Beyond the periods indicated in the table above, PasseTonBillet will not process any dispute requests.

How and where to open a dispute?

Go to the “My purchased tickets” tab of your profile
Click on the icon “Open a claim” to open a dispute
Click the “CREATE A DISPUTE” button

Describe the problem you encountered with this post

It is strongly recommended to attach proof of the problem encountered and to ask the ticket office for a certificate of non-validity of the ticket with the organizer's stamp.

Attention: only disputes opened by the buyer directly from their user profile on the site will be taken into account and processed by PasseTonBillet. Sending an e-mail, using the chat, will not be considered as opening a dispute and will not be processed.

What is the waiting time for the resolution of a dispute?

The dispute will be examined in detail by our teams within an average of 5 working days.

How does the review of a dispute work?

PasseTonBillet will endeavor to examine the dispute between the buyer and the seller of the ticket, using the information and technologies at its disposal. PasseTonBillet may be required to contact access control if necessary.
Based on these investigations, PasseTonBillet may render one of the following two decisions in order to resolve the dispute:

**Decision (1): dispute won**

The transaction is canceled, the buyer is refunded and the seller is not paid for the sale of his ticket.

After investigation, PasseTonBillet decides that it is the responsibility of the seller and not the buyer if the transaction is not compliant.

Any additional costs linked to the invalidity of the transaction (repurchase of a new ticket, other expenses, etc.) will be the responsibility of the buyer.
The seller will be responsible for the risks linked to the use of the information (PDF ticket, etc.) transmitted to the buyer at the time of the transaction.

It is specified that in the event of a manifest error by the seller and noted by PasseTonBillet, when completing the fields in the ad (price, category, location, etc.) by the seller, then the dispute will be won by the buyer. Any error in completing the ad is the responsibility of the seller.

**Decision (2): dispute lost**

The transaction is maintained, the buyer is not reimbursed for their purchase and the seller is paid for the sale of their ticket.
After investigation, PasseTonBillet decides that the transaction is indeed valid, that the problem reported by the buyer is not the responsibility of the seller and that the advertisement is in compliance with the T&Cs of the site.
Any additional costs linked to the invalidity of the transaction (repurchase of a new ticket, other expenses, etc.) will be the responsibility of the buyer.

The buyer and the seller will be informed by email of PasseTonBillet's decision and will be required to respect the decision, without being able to contest it.
PasseTonBillet is not obliged to justify the reasons which motivated its decision to the buyer and/or the seller.

Can I cancel a dispute that I opened?

Yes, it's possible, if you change your mind after speaking with the seller, you have the option of canceling your dispute. This is only possible once.

Updated on: 14/05/2024

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